Thursday, February 09, 2006

I need a lice cooker

So this is my first day off since I started training. I teach eight classes tomorrow between 10am and 5:30pm (I think) in Handa. Saturday is the busiest day of the week and I'm nervous all over again about it. On the positive side, this internet cafe rocks. There's free soda, coffee, tea, and hot chocolate for customers, so Im hella taking advantage of this hot chocolate. Also, I just made my first trip to a bathroom in a public place and thankfully there were urinals and western toilets. I dont know what I'm going to do when I encounter one of these Japanese squat-toilets, but Ill keep you informed.

For my Google Earth users, enter the following coordinates --- 35 02'05.44" N 136 57'15.80" E --- to see my train station. That's the Kyowa stop, and the specific location I chose was from where I took some photos last night (see Flickr).

If you type in --- 35 02'00.00" N 136 56'59.71" E --- you can see my apartment, and if anyone wants the coordinates of anything else, let me know and Ill look them up.

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