Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Voodoo Chile Blues

I wrote back to the WinBe school and told them I needed an additional week to decide whether I would accept their offer or not. I explicitly told them that I had an interview at another school and without hearing their offer I'm not prepared to decide. I'm not sure if that will fly or not, but reading something in their contract is what made me go this route.

An Instructor who breaks the contract without an unavoidable reason (as defined through consultation with the Japanese Labour Law Bureau: Roodou Kijun Kantokusho), may find themselves the subject of legal proceedings in Tokyo Civil Court to recover costs incurred by WinBe as a consequence of the Instructor’s actions. 

I don't know what costs the school will incur if I say 'yes' but that scared me into being a little bit more thoughtful in my dealings with them. Hopefully I'll hear back from someone at Interac this week and then I can make a decision.

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