Thursday, September 27, 2007

The mural

It's not quite done yet, but here's what I've painted so far. I actually stole the design from some site online which used a photo of Mifune Toshiro as its inspiration (he was a Japanese actor who starred in many Kurosawa Akira films). Having more time and energy I would have done a sketch from the photo myself and it OBVIOUSLY would have looked better. But this was more of a trial project. My mom wants a Victorian-style woman painted on a wall in her hallway and my dad has already set aside a giant space in another part of the cellar for me to paint. I guess if I can free up the time (let me just check my schedule...) I'll paint more and then post those as well. Feedback would be appreciated. But keep in mind that I'm an artist, and I'm sensitive about my shit...

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