Monday, January 28, 2008

Big day for Obama

"I'm gonna tie you to that bed in the Lincoln bedroom and then I'm gonna... (mumble)... ... ...around your ankles, and then I'm gonna..."

The endorsements keep rolling in for Senator Obama. If getting Oprah Winfrey and John Kerry's support wasn't enough, today Ted Kennedy and Toni Morrison endorsed him for President. If you follow the more tradish media, then you probably knew that already and good for you. However, most people probably missed a much more important endorsement today. In fact, only this blog (as far as I know) is reporting on it. Ready for it? Want to know to whom I'm referring? Who could be bigger than Ted Kennedy? This is called suspense... Today I went down to the town hall in Greenfield and cast my ballot for Obama in the Massachusetts primary.

I've never voted in a primary before so I'm predicting a record turnout in Massachusetts this year. Anything less is proof that there are terrorist cells undermining our democratic process. It's about time someone said it.

I've read articles online that say it's way too easy to vote in some states. I would like to include Massachusetts on that list. Not that I think it should be difficult, but I didn't even have to show ID today. I gave them my name and address and was casting my ballot. I forget how it works in a presidential election but I thought they at least asked for ID.

Everything else that I've been up to revolves around moving to Las Vegas. I'm picking Daniela up tomorrow and we're flying out of Bradley on Wednesday. Lord have mercy on our souls.

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