Wednesday, January 10, 2007

I'm crushed

I'm 5 days away from payday, and in my excitment I walked around Nagoya today asking about the forex rates at the biggest banks. I'll have 1,000,000 yen on my last day of work (with another 100,000 being sent back to the US by Nova after I leave), and until today that meant $10,000 in my mind. Well, now reality has snuck in and I'm completely disappointed. 1,000,000 yen is about $8,300 if I convert it with any of the banks here, Mitsui-Sumitomo, UFJ, Citibank, or Mizuho. That sucks man. That sucks so god-damned hard that I want to smash something. I could have put $2,000 in my Citizen's account (for my college loans), which would have gotten me all the way to August or September of this year, and I would have had $8,000 to travel with. $8,000 would have given me almost $22 a day, for an entire year, to live on. That might be impossible in Japan or the US, but hostels in Cambodia are about $1.50 a night, so $22 would have been a heap of cash.

I don't know how long I'm going to travel for but those fucking loans are a black cloud hanging over my plans. God damn Brandeis and its fucking outrageous tuition. I would be so free if it wasn't for those loans. They'll pay themselves off over time but I want to be free NOW.

On another note, I'm headed to a non-English speaking dentist tomorrow with Yuka, so wish me and my teeth luck.

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