Thursday, February 28, 2008


Last night, within 20 minutes of the deadline, I registered to take the Foreign Service Exam. The deadline for the March test date was February 27th, 11pm Central Time. I was finishing up my essays around 8pm, Pacific Coast Time, when I realized I was about to miss the deadline. There were a bunch of additional questions that I either skipped or answered very poorly. I didn't realize before submitting my essays that I needed to provide contact info for someone who could very each one of my essays. I put Daniela as my contact for more than half of them, which I wouldn't have done if I had more time. I'm sure they will only call and verify my story if it's too unbelievable, which none of my stories were.

The State Department should email me back in the next few days and let me know if and when I can take the test. It's free to take, but canceling your test within 48 hours of its scheduled time carries a $45 penalty.

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