Thursday, July 30, 2009

CSA 1 Month Anniversary

Correction to last week's farm share: we didn't receive kale. I thought these big leafy greens were kale. They were not. They were actually dandelion greens. The idea of going back to Greenfield, picking wild dandelions, and making a salad out of them appealed to me. I have these weird fantasies of living off the land and eating things that most people don't realize are edible. Long story short: dandelion greens are awful. They are easily the most bitter vegetable I've ever eaten. They left such an awful taste in my mouth that I ate all of the beets I roasted just to get rid of it. I chased them with beets, drowned them in salad dressing, fried some in olive oil, but nothing made them palatable. In the trash they went. Not recommended.

The beets were pretty good though. This was my first attempt at cooking them. I boiled the beets for 15 minutes or so (greens and all) which made them soft enough to scrape the skins off with a butter knife. Then I sliced them in half and roasted them at 350 degrees with some salt, pepper, and olive oil. The added bonus to eating beets is that it looks like you took a softball to the kidney when you go to the bathroom afterward.

This week we got 4 ears of corn, 3.55 oz. of basil, 7.60 oz. of some variety of lettuce, 13 oz. of zucchini, a pint of raspberries, a pint of blueberries, 9.65 oz. of cherry tomatoes, 1 lb, 6.6 oz. of cucumber, 1 lb., 5.65 oz. of carrots, 10.4 oz. of kale, and 13.35 oz. of chard.

And today at work, I actually Wikipedia'd "securities clearing" to figure out what it is that I do at work. Still not clear. That's sort of a joke.

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