Monday, April 18, 2011

New job

I've tried to keep my professional life out of this blog and away from its questionable content, so I'm not going to say where I'll be working or what I'll be doing, but I got a new job. I've already given my notice and my last day will be April 29th. I actually receive regular emails from my current employer outlining the company's policy on social media, but I never read them. If they want my attention, they'd better include colorful pictures and minimal text. These emails satisfy neither of those criteria. Plus, if I'm doing something online that's forbidden by the policy, I'd rather not know about it. Self-policing is.... for communists? I forget the saying.

Some friends from New York are coming up next weekend, and we're going to see Atmosphere at the House of Blues. We saw him at his very first and second shows in Boston back in college. Good performer. Although, I'm not really into the 'performance.' I want the lyrics. I'm sure Lady Gaga is a great performer, but I'd rather see Leonard Cohen in concert. I haven't listened to Atmosphere's new album yet, but I've already mentally checked out at work, so I can do that this week.

Wedding planning is coming along. D and I finished the registry this weekend and all of the vendors have been booked (although some haven't been finalized). It was sort of depressing to see how many couples were fighting in Crate & Barrel. "Guys, guys, guys: both of your cup choices are ugly. Relax."

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