Friday, December 21, 2007

This weekend to Christmas

Last night I got a beer with Tracy at the Pint and picked up a job application. I thought I could do something part-time before I left for Vegas in early February. I don't really need the money but I thought it would be fun to do something outside of my routine.


I told Tracy my plans last night about taking the Foreign Service Exam and she tried her best to scare me out of it. She was supportive in the end, but she told me about her friend Mark who currently works in Yerevan, Armenia for the State Department. He went to Georgetown's School of Foreign Service and was one of the few people from his class to pass the test. If his friends who took the test, and had been preparing for four years to take it, couldn't pass it what chance do I have? An additional concern of mine is that he took the written test in March but didn't get the oral assessment until September. I wasn't expecting such a long wait between taking the test and getting an interview. It's not a problem because I think this is what I really want to do, but if I can expect a similar wait, I should be taking that test as soon as possible. I don't want to take the test at the end of my time in Las Vegas and then have an additional 7 months to wait for an interview.

Unrelated: I went to the Salvation Army yesterday and bought a pair of pants. This isn't interesting, but I think I donated the pants that I bought.

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